Monday, July 15, 2019

28A - Your Exit Strategy

Since my business idea requires me to have a product installed in restrooms I would not need to sell it to anyone. It would just be a matter of if my product is actually being used by customers in places that it was installed. If the product is going to be distributed to more locations, I would have someone else in charge of that by then. I intend to be doing something else with my life in five years.
I have selected this exit strategy because I do not see myself being an entrepreneur for the rest of my life. I would like to become a lawyer, but if time enables me I could help out with other business ideas on the side.
I don’t think my exit strategy has really affected the other decisions I have made. I just made my decisions solely based on this one product idea that I have. I have never really thought about anything past this idea in the future.

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