Friday, June 7, 2019

9A - Testing The Hypothesis, Part 2

Who: Even though there are people who would use the product, there are some people who would not. People who do not use public restrooms that often would not be inclined to using the product. If they do not use public restrooms, they would not even be exposed to the product. Some men might also be skeptical of the product because they would not use it. Men’s clothing tends to have more pockets than women’s clothing so therefore they already have a place to keep their phone.

What: The need would be to keep your phone clean and safe. Some people may not care about the need since it has not previously affected them. As long as people have found a place to put the phone in the bathroom, there is no issue.

Why: The outsiders do not necessarily have the need because they have an alternative solution to the problem. There also are people who do not use public restrooms often so they feel the need is not necessarily important. People inside the boundary experience this need more often and feel as though there could be a solution.

Inside the Boundary
Outside the Boundary

Who is in:

  •        Public restroom users
  •         Females
  •          People who own cell phones

Who is not:

  •       People who do not use public restrooms
  •        Some males
  •         People who do not own a cell phone

What the need is:

  •         More safety for phones
  •         Sanitation
  •        A place for phones to be in a restroom

What the need is not:

  •         A place for phones outside a restroom
  •        A guarantee for a safe phone
  •        A guarantee for a clean phone

Why the need exists:

  •         Cell phones have become more popular
  •         Previously dropped their phone in the restroom
  •         People now realize the problem

Alternative explanations:

  •         People do not bring their phone in the restroom
  •         Unaware of the need
  •         Never had an issue before
  •         Shelves in some bathrooms


  1. Hey Allyson,
    I think your idea is very interesting and could be a good convenience factor in public restrooms. I agree that males probably do not have this need as a large majority of our clothing has pockets, but it might still be nice to have for convenience.

  2. Hello Allyson,

    I like your idea, I think some people will like to use the phone holder in public bathrooms. I still still you should narrow down your audience/market a little more since I consider your solution will work for a certain type of people that do not care putting their phones in a public container.

  3. Allyson,
    I think it is very appropriate that you were able to exclude some males through your interviews. When i first thought about the idea I didn't like it because, I usually had a pocket to put my phone in. This seems to be a much larger need for women, as their clothes have substantially fewer pockets than men. It might be worth designing this product specifically for female restrooms because they are far more likely to experience the need for a phone rest.
