Sunday, June 23, 2019

14A - Halfway Reflection

For this course I make sure I do not wait until the last minute to complete assignments. It will seem like a lot, but if you spread out the work it is not bad at all. I make sure I complete part B of assignments right after part A so I do not forget.

Right after Memorial Day weekend was a time when I felt like giving up. I just had my 21st birthday and everyone was asking what I was doing with my life. Having just turned 21, I felt like I have not accomplished things I should have by now. I also was trying to keep up with my summer classes while studying for the LSAT. The workload plus working six days a week made it hard to stay motivated. But, I looked to my friends and family who are always there to support me.

Three tips for this class:

1.      Get ahead when you can. If you know you are going to be busy or just want a free weekend, do the assignments early.

2.      You get out what you put into this class. Put some effort into this class so you can benefit from this class.

3.      After you complete an assignment make sure to submit the assignment right away, so you do not forget.


Image result for climbing a mountain


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