Thursday, May 23, 2019

2A - Bug List

1.     I have city parking and every time I come from work there are no close spots to my apartment and I end up having to walk a far distance home at night.
Why are there never any parking spots?
Gainesville has many students that are all also trying to park.

2.     When I use the Rider App for the bus system, it will say one minute away and end up not coming for 15 minutes.
Why does the bus not show up on time?
It is hard to predict the exact timing of a bus because of traffic and other factors such as the driving having to use the bathroom.

3.     There are many 4 way stops near my apartment and people like to sit at the stop sign when they get there first and wait. But then I start to go and then they decide to finally go.
Why do people not know the rules for a 4 way stop?
It can get confusing and people get forget the way to approach it.

4.     I have been walking to class when I step in gum and it gets stuck to my shoe.
Why do people spit their gum on the ground?
It is convenient and people don’t care as long as they are not the one to step in it.  

5.     I was craving ice cream late at night and I wanted to get a milkshake at McDonalds because they were one of the few places open and their machine was broken.
Why does McDonald’s ice cream machine never work?
It is just not working anymore because it is frequently used and there comes a point when the workers just don’t want to fix it anymore.

6.     I take Archer Road to work and I have to leave earlier because the speed limit is 20 mph because of all the construction.
Why is Archer always under construction?
Archer is a very important road because it is next to Shands so they are continuing to improve it for the future.

7.     I like to study at the libraries but when I go there is never an open table for me to sit at.
Why is there never an open table at the campus libraries?
There are more students at this University than there are seats.

8.     Ads pop up for free items when I am scrolling on social media. When I click on the ad it says the item is free if you pay $20 shipping.
Why do apps claim items are free but then charge extra for shipping?
This is a way companies lure you in to buy their products.

9.     When I drive back home on the highway, I always can stuck in traffic because of construction or an accident.
Why is there always traffic on i75 when I am driving home?
I75 is a popular highway which can increase the chances of an accident.

10.  I have BB&T because that is the bank I had before I came to Gainesville so if I receive a check, I have to drive far to deposit it.
Why is the closest location of my bank in Ocala?
My bank was not started around here and has yet to build banks in this location.

11.  When I am walking to class, people on their bikes always zoom by wearing headphones and that is very unsafe.
Why do people ride their bike wearing headphones?
People enjoy listening to music and tuning the world out.

12.  I get out of class every morning at 10:45am and that would be a nice time for chick fil a breakfast, but by then they already stopped serving breakfast.
Why does Chick fil a stop serving breakfast at 10:30?
It would be too hard to make both breakfast and their regular menu foods at the same time and it would slow them down.

13.  It is very hot during the summer and I want to go to the beach but Gainesville is far from the beach.
Why is Gainesville so far from the beach?
Gainesville is located in the central part of Florida so to go the beach, you would have to drive to the east or west coast.

14.  When I drive on the highway to south Florida my truck becomes completely covered in love bugs.
Why are there so many love bugs?
It is love bug season and they like the moist, humid climate in Florida.

15.  I have to pay for each load of laundry I want to do so it becomes annoying if I want to separate my laundry and do multiple loads.
Why do I have to pay for my laundry?
My apartment complex does not have washing machines in our rooms so someone else is paying for the water so we have to pay for it.

16.  When I am finished eating I like to wash my dishes, but there are already so many dishes in the sink that there is no room for me to even wash my dishes.
Why do people leave their dishes in the sink?
People are in a rush and do not feel like cleaning up right away.

17.  I see great deals online for concert tickets but when I go to checkout the price goes way up.
Why are the fees on concert tickets so expensive?
Different sellers have different transactions fees to make money, concert tickets are so popular that people will buy them no matter what.

18.  When I am trying to go to bed I hear people yelling outside my apartment around 2 in the morning.
Why is it so noisy at my apartment after 2am?
2am is the time the bars and clubs so people are walking back and getting home around that time.

19.  I have been looking for a job that I like and the job either cannot work with my class schedule or I am not qualified for the job.
Why is it so hard to find a job I like?
I currently do not have a degree yet so it is hard to find a job that fits my interests or that I am qualified for.

20.  I clean my room at the end of the week and it seems to get so messy and it just becomes a cycle of having to clean it every weekend.
Why does my room get messy so quickly?
I do not put things away and my room is very small.

I actually did have an issue coming up with my bug list. I was able to think of all the things that bother me throughout my day. At the end of each day I would look back and recall things I encountered. Then putting the bug list into a question format was very interesting. I never thought of things that way and it helps put things into a new perspective.


  1. Allyson,
    I found it very interesting that a lot of your issues focused on transportation, from parking issues to the rider app to the behavior of bikers on campus. Maybe if you ever end up starting a company, you should focus on an issue in that realm? I also found your issue with concert fees to be something I can relate to. I wonder why it has not been brought up as an issue that an extra $100-$200 is added to the price of a ticket at check out? I can't wait to see what ideas you have in the future.

  2. Allyson,
    It is interesting that you were able to think of 20 bothersome things throughout the day. For me it took a while. I noticed that your life burdens stem from transportation related issues. It must be something that bothers you daily. Perhaps you have thought of good solutions for this problem? Time spent being bothered by problems can be spent thinking on solutions.
